The Cotton Carrier team

The Cotton Camera Carrier team, from left to right: Andrew Cotton Chamberlayne, warehouse guru; Andy Cotton Chamberlayne, president; Stephanie Parker (niece-in-law), trade show diva; Jackson Parker, employee-in-training; Kennedy Parker, junior photographer-in-training; Brook Parker (nephew), second-in-command; Sam Cotton Chamberlayne, expedition specialist.

Environmentally-friendly practices

While we're not perfect, we're constantly striving to improve the way we manage the waste generated by our store and our impact on the environment.

1. One percent of our total sales is donated to non-profit environmental organizations.

2. All our packaging is made from an average of 53% post-consumer recycled fiber.

3. In the warehouse, we reuse all wrapping paper received and all boxes that retain their strength (unusable boxes are flattened and recycled properly).

4. All plastic bags received are retained for reuse or taken to the local plastic recycling depot.

5. All our products are manufactured to the highest quality to last a lifetime. They are covered by our 3-year technical warranty. Many of our first 500 harness buyers have told us that their harnesses are still going strong! Cotton products won't end up in the landfill a year after your purchase.

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The Andy Cotton story

I worked as a special effects supervisor in the film industry for over 26 years. My specialty was designing physical effects: crashing cars, people hanging from buildings, that sort of thing. The rules were simple, and the only constant was 100% functionality and reliability. The KISS principle (Keep it simple, stupid) was de rigueur. People's lives were at stake; there was no room for error.

Later, as a professional landscape photographer, I couldn't find any product that met my need to carry my camera in a comfortable, safe and accessible way. Sure, there were bags, shoulder straps, belt clips and all sorts of shiny objects. But all were "toys" designed by designers, not photographers. Nothing allowed me to carry my camera comfortably, safely and with quick accessibility.

My years of design experience in the film industry were put to good use when I set about designing the system I needed. It had to be simple, with no springs or moving parts. Nothing that could fail, jam or break. Made from top-quality materials, it had to work and be absolutely reliable in all situations. It had to offer comfort and accessibility to enhance my photographic experience. Five years later, from the enthusiastic feedback of satisfied customers all over the world, I think I've got it right. Simple, functional, high-quality: Cotton camera carrying systems.

Quote from one of our first 500 buyers.

Paul H. Stuetze on January 02, 2019

There are very few companies in the world today that offer innovative, long-lasting products that remain effective and relevant in the field of photography, even if you own their very first generation 1 model. This is my story, that of Cotton Carrier Systems and my original black harness, with the white inscription "cotton" just below the torso hub plate.

There have been NO surprises for me over the years, as I've evolved with my favorite new and used Nikon bodies, lenses and related gear. Always..., ALWAYS..., my original CCS harness system has satisfied and served me, completely and well! How p

The Cotton family heritage

The woman who started it all, Audrey Cotton. Mother of Andy Cotton, founder and inventor of Cotton Carrier. The name "Cotton" comes from the Latin "At The Cottage". Living around lakes, hills and trees. We live by this code, especially since we come from one of the most beautiful places on the planet, British Columbia. Thanks, Grandma!

1% for the planet

We are proud to donate 1% of sales to non-profit environmental organizations.